Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A different sort of trust.

So, our work here revolves around building trust among people so that as Romania develops, more people will have the willingness and skills to work together rather than looking out mainly for themselves.

What's interesting about living here for almost three years now is that I'm seeing ways that Romanians (at least in our small town, but in bigger cities sometimes too) trust each other in ways that I rarely see Americans doing. Not that we're trying to teach Romanian youth to trust each other like Americans do, but I have seen that us in the US are better, in general, at collaborating in the workplace and between churches. Big generalization, but I've seen it.

However, here, there's a different sort of trust. People sometimes leave their cars running while they run into the store to get something quick. Moms leave their infants outside in strollers while they shop. Kids leave their bikes lying on the street for a few minutes. Kindergardeners walk to school on their own.

It's how I've heard of the States being back in the 50's. I hope that Lupeni doesn't lose that as Romania develops economically and democratically. Maybe the sidewalks don't look great and there are plenty of drunk pensioners on the streets, but at least you can still leave your bike there and not worry that it'll get stolen.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Now let's all just settle down for a bit.

So yes, I know we keep saying, "We're sorry it's been a long time since we've written and this is what's happening in our lives..."

I'll do that again but without the apology.

This is what has been happening in our lives. In March, I (Jack) got some lung infection and was out for three weeks while Kelly helped down the fort. In April, I took two short work trips, we went to France for the 2015 CRWM Europe and Egypt missionary retreat, and then went to Cluj for a CRWM strategic meeting. In May, Kelly led IMPACT and SKYE trainings in Cambodia and Germany, and I got the VIATA ropes course ready along with two volunteers from CRWM. In June, we celebrated our anniversary at a friend's place a few hours away, and then my sumer interns came. We did a training week, and then camp started. We had a good summer (over 500 kids!! and we developed a new program that includes more hiking), but that meant that I was up on the mountain while Kelly diligently worked down in the valley in the office where the sunlight has a hard time reaching. I was done with camp in the middle of August, and we took a few days of vacation (camping in AWESOME places), and then I went to a training in Georgia for 9 days. That brought us into September, in which we went on the Study Abroad Program backpacking trip for a week, I had another week of camp, we had a week together in Lupeni, and then Kelly's parents came. They had a great two-week visit, and when they left, we left to the States to go to a good good friend's wedding and see a few people.

And now we're back.   :)

It's messed with us, being out of a rhythm and apart for so long. We're not in danger of going crazy or suddenly leaving or anything drastic, but it's good to think that Kelly has only two trips left this year, and one of them very short. We can be here. Present in our place. Not trying desperately to be present in whichever place we find ourselves in any given week. I guess we're young and our bodies can still mostly take it, but it's getting hard on our hearts. We're really excited to settle into rhythms of work and being with people and prayer and church and not have to think about finishing all the food in the fridge before we go on our next trip.

If you think about it, ask us how it's going in a week. Or two or three. I'm curious myself.