Thursday, September 3, 2015

All too familiar.

Hopefully you have heard on the news about the refugees and asylum-seekers who are flooding into Europe.  It should make the news everywhere -- though I have a sad, sneaking suspicion that it doesn't.  But in case you haven't heard, here's the scoop: people fleeing terror and war in the Middle East and northern Africa have been migrating to Europe en masse, and Europe doesn't know how to respond.  And so -- just like in the States, where the debate rages between those who want to extend mercy and those who want to be wary -- fences are being built.  Protests are being staged.  Compassion and help is being offered.  Violence is being wrought.  It's a mixed bag of reactions and motives and emotions, and for now it's hard to know what is going to happen.  So please pray.

And read.

I recommend reading here, with a good overview of what's going on and a few EU opinions.  And then see here: "The Walls Europe is Building to Keep People Out."  And here -- what's going on in Hungary.  And here for some beautiful pictures of beautiful people who really need help.

But mostly, please read here.

"How can we not move heaven and earth to let the broken in -- when heaven moved and came to earth to let us in?"

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