Thursday, June 11, 2015

The calm between the storms.

Sorry folks.  We know our blogging has fallen off quite a bit this spring, and here's the reason: we've been crazy, wildly, buried-in-jet-lag-and-work busy.  Jack spent the month of May hosting American interns up on the mountain as they repaired winter damage on the ropes course and prepared camp for the summer season, and I led trainings for IMPACT international in Cambodia and Germany.  In April we were in France for the annual CRWM European spiritual retreat, which was lovely and a breath of fresh air, and then at strategic planning meetings in northwest Romania, and in between there's been office work and IMPACT and the church cantina and girls' group/guys' group and budgeting for next year and planning for summer interns and washing dishes and laundry and... oh yeah, the blog.  Somewhere in there.

But this week we're taking a deep breath and catching up.  We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary by spending the weekend with a newly-made pastor friend in Curtea de Argeş, a gorgeous small town on the edge of the Făgăraş mountains, hiking and talking ecclesiology and eating his wife's delicious food.  We've spent the week spending a lot of evenings at home, watching Scrubs and making good dinners and just resting.  It starts again soon: Jack's summer camp interns arrive tomorrow night, as well as our close friends Robert and Becky, who are coming to spend a little over a month helping with English lessons at our church and pastoral care for the summer camp and other great stuff.  We're excited for it all to begin, and I personally feel like I don't know what to do with myself in this, the calm between the storms.  But catching up is good, and good for my tired, distracted soul.  So here are the travels of the last few months, in pictures -- an overview.

Paris, France: CRWM European Spiritual Retreat

Phnom Penh, Cambodia: SKYE Training with World Vision

Stuttgart, Germany: IMPACT Training with Young Life

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